Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Looking to lose weight and improve my overall look help?

Okay so I'm overweight I'm over 200 lbs idk how much and I'm either 6' or 5'11 anyways I wear glasses and have long brown hair and a round face I also have stretch marks on my shoulders I workout everyday but i don't see results even though I work hard everyday also I'm looking to run 5 miles that's how far I live from the school to lose weight but also get in shape for football I want to lose enough weight to be a wide receiver I can catch the best on the team I take 3 scoops of amin.o acid stuff which gives me energy for upperbody days then 1 more scoop after then 1 scoop of 100% gold standard whey protein then one more scoop of whey before I sleep the on lower body days I take one scoop of whey before after and before bed and I'm working out twice a day 5 days a week. Okay now let's move on to my looks what hair cut should I get with a round face to make me look thinner I want contacts so it has to look good without contacts so please help. Please don't be rude I just want to improve my overall look.

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