Sunday, July 17, 2011

My left foot is warm and slightly gray while right is cold and pink? I have had pain in left calf .?

About 8 months ago my left calf began to hurt. I also had bulging behind left knee. I started to gradually notice same foot turning grayish (not dark, just slightly) while righ foot was a normal pinkish color. Also left foot was very warm to the touch while right was very cold. The pain in calf wa getting intense and after 2 month I went to my GP. She felt it may be baker cyst and left it at that. Well, it continued to worsen and I went to an orthopedic who xrayed the left leg and found that I have pertty signigicant arthritis in that knee. OK. Well, why is my foot contnuing to stay a gray color? The pain comes and goes in my calf but I have it every day. Especially upon waking in the morning. I can see a superficial (?) clot in that calf that I have had since my twins were born 10 years ago....I am 45 btw....very high cholesterol and a light smoker (2-4 cigs a day). My biggest concern is a DVT but my PT thinks I have several things going on. 1st I have extremely tight calf muscles, 2nd I have sciatica, 3rd I have planter faschia tightness and maybe some sort of neuropothy as I get numbness and tingling down that leg. I am mostly wondering why the foot would be warm and grayish. It doesn't even turn pink when I get into a hot bath. Any help greatly appreciated!! It's driving me crazy and I don't know what type of doctor to go to for this.

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