Friday, July 15, 2011

Continuing bloodclots?

i have been experiencing on going blood clots now for2 years. I have been tested for every known genetic disorder and nothing! i am on fragmin 15000 units daily. I do keep getting the clots and dvt in my right leg i have asked for them to do a mri or bone scan since i have read that clots can come from bone marrow if there is a problem. Now the docs won't do the test but yet say there is nothing we can do for you. i have told them i have a very painful lump in the middle of my thigh that popped up 6 months after the first of many episodes of clots and dvt. no one well help me and i suffer everyday in severe pain. i am only 31. is there a doctor house who can help. thanks ps i have seen a hematologist and vascular doc and my primary as well. also i have been to mayo clinic but they said same we cant help you but yet know one has done a mri or bone scan or ct nothing of my right leg where all the clots and dvt reside. and i am on the fragmin! i was on coumadin and still also got clots with my blood at a 4! now the fragmin if i miss just 1 shot i get a clot 2 days later. but know one knows why. it just happened in 09 after a hysterectomy and has continued. i feel the hysterectomy has opened a door to something lying dorment. But what is the question. please help

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