Wednesday, July 20, 2011

What's the best brake rotor for my Dodge 1500?

for light towing (rarely tow/haul) and just city/highway driving, nothing special just go with a simple rotor you won't notice a huge difference since your just using the truck as a daily driver to and from work i'm guessing, no cross drilling or anything needed just a simple rotor will do no special brand needed.

Rate My Second Pokemon Black Team?

ok for starters.... i would get rid of pansage. i had one before and it was awful (or i just failed with it XD) I would add ur litwik... because if u can evolve it into a chandelure, they are extremely helpful fore shantal the psychic one (cant think of her name) and even marshal. Also i would add ur swoobat. This one helped me a lot too I hope this helps :)

What do you think of my poem?

I really enjoyed reading your poem. You are a very talented writer. It seems that nature can replenish our souls and spirit. The way you worded everything was very nice. What is your poem called?

My gf wants to stretch my foreskin?

My gf always stretches my foreskin, covering the head when erect. Because she does this so often it's starting to partially cover when erect. She now wants to stretch it over night with tape to make it longer. Is this dangerous?

Is having a washer & dryer in the same room as a heater a fire hazard?

We called Sears to hook up a washer and dryer and they came in to do it, but refused when they saw the heater was in the same room as the washer and dryer. Is this a fire hazard?

Q re- Liver Polyp for Cancer Reg.?

There are strict guidelines and measurements that are made to evaluate if the polyp requires further attention or not, based on very accurate large-scale studies. If the doctors say you shouldn't be worried, there isn't a reason to be, there is a reason they spend over a decade learning what they do. If you are concerned then this is a subject to take up with your family doctor as he can explain this in more detail.

Has anyine ever had to get a gallbladder removed and was currently taking warfarin for a dvt in the led?

I had a dvt in my leg in oct. 2010 2 days after giving birth and I'm on coumidin (warfarin) 9 mg and they told me I have to stop my medicine 1 week before surgery amd after the surgery they will put me on lovenox......has anyone ever had this happen before? And 2). Should I be scared????? What will happen ...

When will I have my growth spurt?

Well I can't tell you when because everyone's body is different and is "wired" differently. Your growth spurt will come when it is time!

What is this pain in my legs?

Okay, im 19 years old & for the past few weeks I've noticed in my right leg that if I sit or stand for a long time that this weird pain would start. I can't pinpoint the exact areas on my leg, but it sorta feels like in the back of my leg towards my bottom, and around my knee somewhere and then maybe behind my ankle? It feels like maybe I strained it? But now my left leg is hurting the same way & the right one is not. And the pain is also in my left foot....I've read several things like, DVT or things like that, but surely not? I'm pretty healthy..could someone maybe help me out?

Is there a way to know if you have a blood clot before A DVT sets in?

Uhhh, a blot clot is a DVT... deep vein thrombosis. To avoid this, simply surgery, one would be on heparin or lovenox then coumadin...but one should always move... simply, blood flows up the legs by the pressure in the vessels but more importantly by the muscles squeezing the blood movement means no squeezing means stagnant flow means clot....look for swollen, painful legs..not a good sign.

Can i get some opinions on my latest short story? (FIRST PARAGRPAHS)?

first of all,,,, BRAVO. The first sentence has many adjectives that makes me want to read all of it, which i did. Spelling, sun's *rays*. Thats all i could pick up. Well done!

Need advice - Ready to invest in a GOOD pair of jeans - (need help w/ brands, sizing)?

go for levis or wrangler true religion jeans or seven jeans for you size fit either in dark light wash if have straight or bootcut or flare wash seven make brand good diiferent fits washes colours in denim

How can I get ride of stretch marks? HELP PLEASE?

I have strech marks on my boobs and thighs.. I want to get ride of them so I wont be scared to wear a bikkni without looking can someone tell me what can i put them so they can at least fade? and I cant even wear shorts..cause the strech marks show below my buttt..someone help :((( I wanna wear shorts, and stuff but i cant. fml SO PLEASEEEE ANSWERRRRR ANYONE.

Circulation problem or something else?

yes its most likely is a circulatory problem stemming from your neck, sounds like thoracic outlet syndrome because of the symptoms in your hands. you can see a neurologist, especially if these symptoms coincide with the "passing out" feeling, it may be vestibular basilar insufficiency this usually happens when you are turning your neck to the side like when you are looking over your shoulder. it doesn't sound like a dvt or blood clot because those symptoms would not be so sensitive to mechanical deformation or be gravity dependent. also dvt would accompany redness prolonged swelling and heat, not loss of color. most importantly your symptoms (uncoordinated and passing out) are rather serious and are worth seeing, if not, a neurologist than your primary MD, also even worse are any changes in your hearing and vision in conjunction.

Error code 3 on water softener and fried switch?

Well the funny thing is this. If they have the harness in stock as well as the switch. Then my guess is there was a problem with both. More than likely these are revised parts (upgrades) to correct a prior issue. There are only 3 things it could be 1 switch, 2 harness 3 motor. But your control board appears to be functional. If the switch was bad and arched itself myself I would probably replace the harness. But the parts guys should know what they send out the most. And that should be able to help you as to get it or not.

Factor V Leiden mutation?

My name is Amjad Hamed and I had DVT in April 2009 in my Right Calf, since my hospital Doctor put me on 8mg warfarin. For 6 month after that on my regular visit to him he asked me to do the Test which is I attached and after the result he decided to put me again on warfarin For life nevertheless I consulted some doctors and they said you should not be on warfarin. Because you Prothrombin is normal (345) and regardless the Factor V Leiden (67,200) Mutation does not mean you should by on warfarin. I appreciate if you tell me weather I have to stay on warfarin or not.

Worker treatment ileagal?

My roommate works in sears auto its hot here in texas. There's fans in the shop but its still hot. He passed out from hea exaustion on thejob... but that's not the problem. he was laying on th floor for half an hour unable to move in the middle of the shop. The only reason anyone helped was because he texted me and I told a different manager about the problem. The management in this store is terrible and I would like to take legal action to get one of them removed. Thease things happen weekly and I feel like its becoming an issue that the managers care more about the work getting done than the we'll being of the workers.

What's with Vancouver weather?

One hour it's cloudy and cold and the next it's super hot with searing sun, even the weather people cant be trusted anymore, why so unpredictable?

Do I need to worry about cancer?

I am 21 and over the past 2 years I have developed at least 4 blood clots. Two being massive DVT's. I have had numerous blood tests and cat scans of my chest lungs and heart to also check for pulmonary embolisms and one scan of my head to check for clots and activity in that region as well. My doctors say that if I had cancer it would have shown up on the chest CT's and the blood tests but the more research I do I keep on finding that the cancer could possibly not show......? If this is so, or if the there is cancer or bone marrow tests I should get, what are they? I am going to a new blood and cancer doctor tomorrow and just want to be prepared with questions on what tests I should be getting, etc. Thanks again!

Guitar string always breaking right after restringing it?

It's happened twice already.. I don't know if I'm doin something wrong. I do know nothing is wrong with the guitar, I checked. Maybe its because the string hasn't stretched out yet? If so, how long should I wait before I can play again? Or would I have to keep retuning it back again to standard and not play at all? How long would I have to wait then? Please help me out here haha I'm tired of constantly buying a whole set of strings just to replace 1 broken string.. Oh and the string that's always breaking is the high E. Also what brand should I buy? I play an Acoustic Electric Ibanez AEG10E.

Lung pain, i have history of DVT/PE...?

Hi I am a 23yr old female. So I have been having lung pain today. In July 2010 I was diagnosed with DVT/PE in my right leg and right lung. I was hospitalized for 6 days. I had to quit taking warfarin a month early do to a 8cm ovarian cyst that had me hospitalized, so I wouldn't bleed internally. I was just wondering if maybe my clots are back again. And what's the chances of them coming back. The doctor was suppose to test me to see if they were caused from the birth control or genetic. But the other day he said he didn't want to test me. I dnt kno what to do and don't want to go to ER if I don't need to

Will having a DVT in pregnancy mean I'll have to be induced?

I am and 26 weeks pregnant and today have been diagnosed with a DVT in my left. I have got clexane shots to give myself twice a day. I'm seeing obstetrician next week. I am really concerned that I'm going to have to be induced or have a c- section. Has anyone else had a similar experience?

When I reach down to touch my toes, it hurts the back of my legs in my knee area?

It's always hurt like this, I expect it now, being older and not flexible anymore but even as a child in gymnastics when I stretched everyday it's always hurt. Is there a nerve I'm pinching or something?

How do you know if your able to do the middle splits?

I'm trying to get the middle splits. I just started. I have been stretching for 3 days now and I'm not flexible at all. I know people can have a problem with their hips so how do I know I am able to do them. When I do wall sits I'm about 2 feet off the ground. So please help.

Looking to lose weight and improve my overall look help?

Okay so I'm overweight I'm over 200 lbs idk how much and I'm either 6' or 5'11 anyways I wear glasses and have long brown hair and a round face I also have stretch marks on my shoulders I workout everyday but i don't see results even though I work hard everyday also I'm looking to run 5 miles that's how far I live from the school to lose weight but also get in shape for football I want to lose enough weight to be a wide receiver I can catch the best on the team I take 3 scoops of amin.o acid stuff which gives me energy for upperbody days then 1 more scoop after then 1 scoop of 100% gold standard whey protein then one more scoop of whey before I sleep the on lower body days I take one scoop of whey before after and before bed and I'm working out twice a day 5 days a week. Okay now let's move on to my looks what hair cut should I get with a round face to make me look thinner I want contacts so it has to look good without contacts so please help. Please don't be rude I just want to improve my overall look.

Which hp pavillion laptop should I get?

My birthday is coming up in April and I usually ask for what I want in January so my dad has enough time to buy it. I want an hp pavillion laptop but idk which series to get. Dvz or dvt, or dm3? Tell me which series to start with and then which model? I want something that looks nice and also no select edition ones cuz those are very pricey. My dad is willing to spend between $500-$550 so help please!!?

Shin splints/deep vein thrombosis (dvt) pain?

can anyone with dvt in the past describe there pain? i have read online if clot is in lower leg the pain is felt in the calf...... back of the knee when higher up in the leg.. so can someone describe there pain. i get a pain in the front of my lower leg in the shin area which i suspect its a shin splint ive been running on a treadmill for a few months i just started to run on incline for about 2 weeks, i got new shoes that i havent fully broken in can these be causing the pain.

A nylon tennis string on a racket...?

A nylon tennis string on a racket is under tension of 250 N. a) Sketch the situation. b) If its diameter is 1.00 mm, by how much is it lengthened from its un-stretched length of 30.0 cm? c) If the diameter of the string is increased, will the string stretch more, less, or the same. Explain your answer. Enylon = 5 � 109 N/m2

Can you tell me about DVT?

I know some of the symptoms,and causes.Can you tell me,if untreated,how long does a person have to live if they have DVT?Can a teenager have it?

What should i do i messed up really bad?

this is gonna be confusing to explain. Well my friend caught me flirting with their ex. My friend, her ex and all our other friends used to hang out at this place at school during lunch. After my friend broke up with her ex she stopped eating lunch with us. My friends ex started flirting with me i never thought about my friends emotions because they already broke up. Her ex flirts with me a lot in public. So one day me and my friends were eating lunch where we usual eats. My friends ex likes to flirt with me and women but, she tends to flirt with me a lot. So during lunch i was stretching my legs out and my friend got on my lap, grabbed my hands and smothered her breast in my face. One of our friends spotted out that my friends ex (the ex being my other friend.) don't no how long she was watching for but, she saw enough.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

How do you like this video?

The clip was pretty good but kind of typical for that type of music. I would give the video a 7 but the song only a 5 because that isn't my style of music.

Should I wear short shorts?

I am 14 and am a teeny bi on the heavier side. Not too much but my thighs are a bit jiggly and I have some tiny stretch marks on the inside of my legs! Riht now I have a funny tan but I plan to fix it asap!!!!!! My butt is a little bigger but not too much. Haha. Please help. And if u have any suggestions on what shorts links plzzzz!!!!!!

Heavy exercise before long flight?

I really want to join in with the race for life this year, the run would be 5K. However, i'm going on holiday to Dominican Republic the day after. Would this some how effect my legs on the plane, for example cause DVT or any other side affects. Thanks :)

Sears KS Super stock 50mm lens help?

I bought a KS Super at a thrift store for around 5 bucks. It stills works, just needs batteries, and I try to play with the lens, but it is fuzzy, is that because I don't have batteries in it? or is there something wrong with the lens?

What about LA living.?

I'm looking to going to school at FIDM in LA and I live in Tennessee. Its a far stretch from where I come from, but I've always wanted to go off somewhere to school. I've also been looking into schools in New York. As for now I like FIDM and what it offers. I was wondering about anyone's experience if they attended this school etc. Also about how do you feel about living in LA. Thanks in advance !

First time shoplifting, please help...?

I stole 80 dollors worth of merchandise from Sears Holding Inc. ( a couple of shirts $14 each, and cologne which was on sale for $25 but the charged my full price.) the tags wernt ripped off and nothing was damaged. the twoo emplyees walked my to the back room and made me fill out paper work they forced me to sign my name on this letter saying im guilty of stealing their stuff. i was trying to read everything on the letter before signing but he rushed me and said they will sue me if i dont sign. the cop came i got aressted, spent the night in jail. it has been 2 months since the incident. i have gone to cout and got a pre-trial diversion. but then i get a letter in the mail from "NEAL C. TENEN" a Sears lawyer say i MUST pay $250 or they will take legal action against me. i ignored the first two letters because i dont understand why i need to pay $250, when the merchandise i stole was $80 (according to them) and they kept the merchandise it was untainted an still in good condition. do i just keep ignoring the letters? willl they sue me, and ruin my pre-trail diversion?

Can someone please help... Dvt?

so i woke up yesterday morning with this pain down my right thigh. And it still is there today. Its also spasming a lot as well. like 4 days ago, i went to the hospital and had full blood work done, and a d-dimer test, and it was all good. I have a strange phobia of getting a blood clot. Could I have one even though i just had that testing? i have no risk factors, or hereditary causes to get one. im 22 f with no medical issues...

Anxiety about dvt. can anyone help?

I have a phobia about getting a blood clot and dieing. I just read this story at my work about a 15 year old girl falling off her bike and getting a fracture and a blood clot and having a stroke. I've. Had this phobia since I was pregnant almost two years ago and I can't seem to shake it . I've had d dimer blood test ultrasounds on my legs and physical and I've never had one. I'm 22 no medical problems ect. Should I worry? In most cases would there be symptoms of a blood clot. I feel like a lot of people are unaware of the symptoms so that's why they don't get into the hospitalin time. Please help my worrying brain

Tests comes out normal for ultrasound leg and thyroid, why do I still feel like this?

I just had a right leg ultrasound done today so my ob doctor can rule out DVT. And it's negative. Normal. My thyroid test TSH, T3 and T4 is also all normal. I glad and thankful. It's just that with this tightness in my throat that happens off and on and just started yesterday and the cough I've had for 2-3 weeks, dry cough, what the heck is this? Anyone with same kinds of symptoms? I've had testing done 3 yrs ago because of pressure I feel in my upper chest and back. Lots of test. And it's all normal. The cardiology dr told me it might be all in my head and one dr said most likely it's panic attacks. Just tired of what I feelThanks.

Help for about two 2 weeks now i have been having pains in my legs and my back an my knees,?

people keep on telling me it's because i'm getting taller and my bones want to stretch,by the way i'm 14 and 6 months if that helps,can someone who please give me an opinion on whats ,i don't wanna see a doctor

Is the Acer Aspire AS7551-7422 any good?

they sell gateway, emachine and several other brands and are the third larges seller of computers. they sell a lot of entry level low cost computers. i used a acer for a year very heavy use 10 hours a day or more. No problems and it is still working. Yes there are better computers out there but you will have to pay for them.

I think i might have a blood clot?

A few weeks ago i got out the hospital cause i had a seizure. I'm a heart patience also, and i had brain damage before, but nothing serious. I had blood clots before, but only superficial, and varicose whatever you want to call it, and i had only 2 DVT's in my life after major surgeries. Now my left leg is swollen, and my ankle is very swollen along with a dark spot on my foot? could the blood clot busted? It don't hurt or anything..

My right shoulder has been hurting for 2 years?

From a football accident. I dont think anything is broken, but it hurts when I stretch it out (as my left doesnt hurt). Should I see a doctor? Is this permanent as I left it for two years? If I do see a doctor, what kind of doctor should I see?

I have a large DVT in my left leg that was diagnosed about 2 weeks ago, a complication of being pregnant.?

I live at sea level and was planning on going to my families house in the mountains (elevation 7500 ft) I was wondering if elevation would have an effect on the recovery of my blood clot.

Weight Loss for Rider?

Im so sorry i to have lost a baby and gained weight but working in the barn leaning stalls also just exercising my horse and watch your diet walking helps hope this helps

There was a cartoon about a boy getting a maple leaf sweater from the sears catalog?

Oooh I remember that story from school. I can't remember what its called but it was about the Montreal Leaf's sorta.

What are these red marks on my legs?

I have noticed some red wavy lines that have appeared on my thighs and my knees, they came suddenly over about a week. They look a bit like stretch marks but i don't think they are stretch marks because the skin hasnt been stretched and i've only had them about 5 days. I haven't been able to do any exercise for about a year due to illness, could lack of exercise cause these marks to appear? They are quite noticable, what can i do to get rid of them?

What is something you want to buy at stores that sell clothes but they never make?

A long sleeve mini dress in a stretch cotton with a pastel floral print on it over here. They never make that. They make similar things but in a darker print and always with short sleeves.

Strange saga, symptoms...?

This is a lot of different symptoms over along period of time. You really need to talk to a dr. about this. Too bad Dr. House is not available. But seriously, you really need to get this all checked out so you can stop worrying.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Professional carpet cleaning- questions?

okay we are getting our carpet cleaned professionally. For about 50.00 more we can add deodorizer and stain protection to our order. My question is, does this really make a difference? do we really need it? We have a dog but he doesn't make a mess or anything. Won't just having the carpets cleaned deodorize them? Is this something we should spend the extra for or does it not really make a difference. Please let me know your thoughts and experiences. We are using Sears, they have the best prices.

Slight leg pain/strain feeling what could this be?

i get slight upper inner thigh pain and my leg feels a bit strained im 16 and will be 17 in 2 days, i thought it could be dvt but i recently went to the doctor for arm and chest pain and they did an ekg and i asked about my leg and the doctor said there doesnt appear to be a bloodclot but then again there was only an ekg done, the pain is on and off in my right leg , since i sometimes get arm pain could it be fibromyalgia and i also smoke marajuana if that could be effecting anything?

Do I have criminal charges or any charges ?

if he didnt give you a citation and you havent received any kind of summons in the mail then no, your not needed in court. when you are handcuffed and read your right, you are detained. when you are taken to court and sentenced, your are charged.

Sudden sore neck lasting for weeks?

A couple weeks ago, I developed a sore neck within less than a day. It was so intense I could not turn my head without feeling intense pain. At first I thought it was sore because it happened shortly after riding a bike for the first time in a while. But now the pain has lasted for weeks and is not improving. Every morning I wake up with extreme pain in my neck. It does not feel like muscle pain, because I have had sore neck muscles before and this is not what it feels like. Whereas stretching it would normally give relief, stretching the neck gives me sharp, almost headache-inducing pain. It occurs in both sides of the neck. I am only 20 years old. At this point I have a lot of muscle popping all over my neck, shoulders, and back when I rub them, as though they are tight, and this has worsened over the past couple weeks. Does anyone have any idea what this could be?

What should i wear with a cardigan to school in winter?

Wear a white or dark blue t-shirt underneath them with dark wash jeans. Maybe add a cool necklace. Like a sharks tooth or some bling. Whatever floats your boat. Add some Nikes or other cool shoes.

Why are Catholic priests forbidden to marry?

I agree with that. The vow of celibacy should be optional. Seriously, maybe a lot of those abuse scandals would never have happened if the sexually-frustrated priests had another outlet.

My toshiba computer screen display is messed up!?

Right click on your screen and select (near the bottom of the box) Screen Resolution. The selection box to the right of Resolution: should have (likely the top of the list) "recommended" beside it. Use that one.

PHYSICS HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!…

A wire is stretched between 2 posts. Another wire is stretched between 2 posts that are twice as far apart. The tension in the wires is the same, and they have the same mass. A transverse wave travels on the shorter wire with a speed of 200 m/s. What would be the speed of the wave on the longer wire?

Deep vein thrombosis dvt delivery problems?

Hopefully not. But the precautions are always being taken, because DVT can result in life threatening situation as thromboembolism.

Is this okay for a bikini?

I bought a Victorias secret bandeau bikini to wear to the beach now bc I recently lost 30 lbs. I'm 15, 5"6.5 and now 172 pounds. My thighs are kinda large but my stomachs kinda flat. I have a few unnoticable stretch marks on my thighs and hips but they're so small and light you can't see them. I can't post a pic it won't let me on my phone. How does this sound?

So afraid to fly and DVT (please help, easy 10pnt)?

I'm taking my first 8 hr plane ride alone alone and I am terrified not just of the flight but of DVT I watched a show and said that is a issue? Whats the chance I could get that? And is it deadly?! I know I probably sound dumb but I petrified. Any advice on flying and DVT, please thanks so much.

First time shoplifting, URGENT PLZ HELP..?

I stole 80 dollors worth of merchandise from Sears Holding Inc. ( a couple of shirts $14 each, and cologne which was on sale for $25 but the charged my full price.) the tags wernt ripped off and nothing was damaged. the twoo emplyees walked my to the back room and made me fill out paper work they forced me to sign my name on this letter saying im guilty of stealing their stuff. i was trying to read everything on the letter before signing but he rushed me and said they will sue me if i dont sign. the cop came i got aressted, spent the night in jail. it has been 2 months since the incident. i have gone to cout and got a pre-trial diversion. but then i get a letter in the mail from "NEAL C. TENEN" a Sears lawyer say i MUST pay $250 or they will take legal action against me. i ignored the first two letters because i dont understand why i need to pay $250, when the merchandise i stole was $80 (according to them) and they kept the merchandise it was untainted an still in good condition. do i just keep ignoring the letters? willl they sue me, and ruin my pre-trail diversion?

How to make the waist in jeans bigger?

I have a pair of true religion jeans and they're getting a bit too small. Is there any way I can make them bigger? Like move the button or stretch it out? Thanks

Long haul flight and on the oral contraceptive pill?

so, im going on on a 9 hour + flight to india from the uk in 3 weeks and 1 days time. I'm on the oral contraceptive pill and im really worried about getting deep vein thrombosis. I dont smoke on a very regular basis, infact maybe once a month or so if somebody just offers a drag or a cigarette. It's not like i keep a pack with me or anything. But other than that i dont think there's anything that could greatly affect my chances of getting DVT. However i am still really concerned, especially as the flight is over 5 hours. i was wondering is perhaps anybody had any advice on things i could do to help, and whether anyone would advice that i should come off the pill for the trip? would that help at all? or is it too close to the date of travel for it to make any difference? Im going to talk to my doctor aswell but any advice that people might give about the situation would be great. Also if i do continue to stay on the pill for the trip, is it ok if i miss my free pill week? because it happens during the trip to india and it seems like way too much hassle to deal with at the time. Also, if i take my pill at 6pm england time, should i take it at 6pm england time in india, which will be around 11pm ish in india or 6pm india time? argh im worried and confused haha. Any advice and help would be great, so thanks


OK, so i wanna get a part time job in store like (Borders, Fye, Sears). What m supposed to do, search online or just go to the store n ask (whom). I tried online but it wasnt that much of a help. Any suggestion will b helpful. THXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

Does celtrixa really work?

New stretch marks? (Had baby 6 wks ago). Pretty bad stretch marks=( did celtrixa work for you? Any other prodcuts would you reccomend?

Having anxiety about blood clots. Any help asap?

Ive,been checked out in the past dvt ultrasound ect and have never had one. I feel anxious today and fear of getting one in my lung. No family history or anything. Can anyone help? I just had an ekg and that was fine as well

Need some advise on getting rid of swelling in my calvs.?

About 10 years ago I had a severe dvt in my right leg, from my ankle to my groin, and 3 pulmonary embloli in the lungs. 3 years later had another blood clot in the same leg and 2 years later had one in my left calf. Since then I've been put in a regiment of 10mg of warifarin to keep me at 2-3 on my INR. I use anti emboli compression socks on both legs. My question is, is there a medical procedure I can have done to remove the damaged veins/valves in my leg to permanently reduce the swelling. I've gotten alot of varicose veins from the swelling in the past 10 years. I've also gotten into bodybuilding, so if there's not a medical procedure, is there an excises I can do to reduce the swelling. I'd like my calves to back to normal size and wear shorts again. I've heard of the cosmetic laser thingy you can have done to remove varicose veins. But due to my blood problem I'm worried they will just come back and wont fix the big issue of swelling. All advise is welcome. Thank you for your help.

Please please please i need help its about my clitoris and hood. please somebody answer im really worried?

if its itchy it could be thrush, go to your local chemist and get some cream / pill. I recommend you do both. This could be due to dirty under ware or urinal bacteria getting into your vagina

How long is too long? to keep taking Coumadin 16mg?

I have been on 16mg of Warfarin (Coumadin) for 6 months now. My INR Levels have not changed. My doctors won't increase the Warfarin which is fine by me. My PT/INR Levels are 1.48. I am on this for DVT.

Are guys turned off by stretch marks?

im 15... and i used to weigh 150 but i finally got down to 125 and i reallyy really wanna finally get to be able to wear a bikini! the only thing is that i have stretch makrs on my hips and i wanna know if guys think there gross! they arent HUGE but they are red.. i'm using bio oil to get rid of them but it works so slowly.. please help?

Will you get stretched out down there from masturbating?

I'm 16 and since my bf and I aren't talking we're obviously not having sex anymore. He always told me I should 'play around' and he even used to play with me with this vibrator he bought.. But he keeps it at his house cuz if my parents found it they'd freak and plus we were secretly dating cuz he's 24. But he was my first so I'm pretty tight and I want to stay that way!! He was 7 inches and said that I was still super tight every time he went in so if I use smaller things will I stay nice and tight down there? What makes you looser!?!

Do you think plastic surgeons need to be more "conservative" with their procedures and who they operate on?

It seems like the plastic surgeons are just selling these procedures rather than helping their patients fix real cosmetic problems. A lot of people that get these surgeries there was really nothing wrong with them and the surgeon just talked them into it. Personally I think there should be a rule that breast implants can't be given to a woman who doesn't have a deformity or reconstructive need because they ruin these young women's perfectly normal breasts. A friend of mine had implants when she was 20 and they didn't tell her that they need replaced eventually, now one has deflated and she can't afford to get it fixed. It stretched out her breast and completely ruined them so now she will be dependent on surgeries to look normal the rest of her life.

Please help me.....flight fear?

Ive got a nonstop flight from houston to munich on the 2nd. It is 13 hours. I am really scared, I cannot sleep at night because of how scared I am. Im afraid of DVT because they say it can happen to anyone regardless of how healthy they are. lol. Im 20, and 5'1, and def not overweight. I am still nervous though...Should I be? I plan to walk around the cabin every 30min to hour...any advice?

Anybody Knows About DVT , Deep Venous Thrombosis?

The doctor has first given Low-molecular weight Heparin injection two times daily for ten days since 12 March and from then on Warfarin , right now there is still swelling in the leg but it doesn't pain much but Ihave been bed-ridden (except for occasional movement about the house) for all these weeks. How many days does it take for a DVT patient to completely heal and become normal?

Sunday, July 17, 2011

My left foot is warm and slightly gray while right is cold and pink? I have had pain in left calf .?

About 8 months ago my left calf began to hurt. I also had bulging behind left knee. I started to gradually notice same foot turning grayish (not dark, just slightly) while righ foot was a normal pinkish color. Also left foot was very warm to the touch while right was very cold. The pain in calf wa getting intense and after 2 month I went to my GP. She felt it may be baker cyst and left it at that. Well, it continued to worsen and I went to an orthopedic who xrayed the left leg and found that I have pertty signigicant arthritis in that knee. OK. Well, why is my foot contnuing to stay a gray color? The pain comes and goes in my calf but I have it every day. Especially upon waking in the morning. I can see a superficial (?) clot in that calf that I have had since my twins were born 10 years ago....I am 45 btw....very high cholesterol and a light smoker (2-4 cigs a day). My biggest concern is a DVT but my PT thinks I have several things going on. 1st I have extremely tight calf muscles, 2nd I have sciatica, 3rd I have planter faschia tightness and maybe some sort of neuropothy as I get numbness and tingling down that leg. I am mostly wondering why the foot would be warm and grayish. It doesn't even turn pink when I get into a hot bath. Any help greatly appreciated!! It's driving me crazy and I don't know what type of doctor to go to for this.

What are the exact signs of a blood clot in the ankle?

Many yrs ago I had a DVT behind my knee. Now I am experiencing pain in my ankle for no apparent reason and was wondering what the exact signs of a blood clot in the ankle area would be ie: location and symptoms.

Is inserting my own penis into my anus harmful?

Lately while masturbating,I have experimented with inserting my penis into my anus. I do this by lubing up both parts,raising my legs,and inserting my penis into my anus. The problem is is that its hard to get an erection,but I would like to achieve one this way,for better pleasure. Also,can doing this have harmful side effects? I do notice a little pain from stretching and rubbing my penis to shove it deeper inside. Has anyone ever done this? Any tips?

If I take an aleve, will that help with sore muscles?

I have had 8 hours everyday of cheer camp, i am not as sore when school starts, but it's summer, and I've been lazy so this is really kicking my butt, like most other girls. I am SO sore, and I don't want another day of pain, I want to be able to do my best without worrying about my legs or abs hurting. Any advice? BTW: please don't say stretch, I do, ALOT.

Is it better to play "store hockey" in Sears or Home Depot?

"Store hockey" again is when you play hockey in a department store with two goals at each end of the store. The ilses are not cleared. It may or may not be on roller blades.

How have I eaten today?

At 5'6 and 125lbs, you would be considered UNDERweight. I'm 5'3 and 125 lbs is considered NORMAL for me. It sounds like you are still suffering from an eating disorder and should seek medical help before it's too late.

Is there a bedding out there that my rabbits can't kick all over my floor?

One of my rabbits binkies all day long and kicks up the bedding on the bottom of the cage and it gets everywhere. I get that rabbits will be messy, but this is ridiculous. And yes, their cage is big enough (about 12 sq feet) and they get a minimum of 3 hours of time outside of their cage to stretch their legs, so she's not mad and kicking to be a pest, she's just really happy all the time and makes a huge mess... I'm always sweeping around their cage! Is there a bedding (not litter, I use yesterdays news in the litterbox) that is maybe heavier, or is too large to be kicked through bars that are 1" apart?

I had a DVT in my upper arm from a PICC line I've been on Warfarin for three months. can I quit cold turkey?

Absolutely not! I would consult my doctor immediately if there are reasons that you feel you should no longer take this medication. Warfarin is a medication that can mean the difference between life or death. I would not take this lightly. See your doctor, have another Vein ultrasound done to determine whether you can discontinue the use of the medication. Your doctor should be the only person to make this determination. Good luck.

What to get a Wyotech graduate for graduation?

Graduation gifts for the automotive graduate. I am not a car person, and have no idea where to even begin. Ive looked at sears, but I am completely lost!

I stopped contraceptive pills about 3 mos. ago due to Warfarin medication. Now I am delayed almost two weeks.?

I was diagnosed with Pulmonary embolism last October 5 due to DVT which the doctor said cud hev been caused by taking contraceptive pills for 3 years. I stopped the pill on October 5 and I'm on 5mg warfarin now. I had mens last october, november and december. My mens due shud be Jan. 4. I am delayed for almost two weeks now and I'm freaking out.I am scared of the effects of warfarin just in case i get pregnant. I am also on antibiotics for treatment in my gum abscess. I took Pregnancy Test last January 8 and it came out negative. I had unprotected sex last December 24. Please help. I have been stressed too much because of this. Is there a possibility that I am pregnant and that my medication is affecting my pregnancy test result? Thank you in advance.

What to leave out of a job application? - this site provided me some useful tips for successful application to my current job.

Are the labour and delivery nurses going to think I'm a tub of lard?

We don't care what you look like - we know that stretch marks are genetic and you have no control over them!

Any one know about/have gauges..?

gauges have various sizes, most likely you would have to work up to the size that you want to have or you screw up your ears. there are plenty of web sites explaining this process, here is one:

What is this skin on my penis?

Im 14, about a year ago I retracted my foreskin for the first time, but I have skin from my foreskin fused to the head of my penis. It isn't foreskin because i can see the head of my penis it is retracted fully, it's just a veiny flap of skin that covers half of my penis head. It stretches from the top of my penis head all the way down towards the frenulum. Does anyone know what this is and how it can be treated?

My vagina just exploded, what do i do????????!!!!!!!!??

So like i was sitting talking to my pet rock and then i feel like sort of bubbling in my vagina. Then a searing pain shot through my vagina and up my uterus and then i see blood and pus and skin everywhere. It hurt so much and now my vagina is all bloody and exploded. My dog is starting to eat the stuff. What should i do? i dont wanna go to the doctor

Good Blackwing deck? HELP :)?

just search the internet for crow's deck. it's the best blackwing deck there is . if u have the blackwing dragon u should put that in as well


I would say your not pregnant, if you had sex on the dates mentioned above it would show up on a urine test by now

My first love is seared into my memory and everything makes me think of her. I'm obsessed please help.?

I've told her and she doesn't like me. However, I can't move on right at this sec for reason I can't go into. If there is a way out of this rather strange sounding scenari, please tell.

Sharp pain in right side right under rib cage...?

I was just sitting on the couch and i stretched alittle and a sharp pain shot right next to my lower right rib cage. I've had the pain before in the same spot. I haven't gone to the doctors for it. Any ideas/suggestions? Thanks!

Is my brooder large enough?

We are getting chickens soon, and have set up a brooder for them. The question is... is it big enough? It is a dog crate approximately 2'x1.5'. The brooder will hold 3 chicks. There is room for them to move in and out of the heat lamp and room for their feeder and waterer. The chicks will have some time out of the coop to stretch their legs and run around. But is that size big enough?

Weight Training for beginners Curling problem?????????

I'm just a beginner at weight training. I curl 30 lbs on each arm and I do about 8-16 reps with 2-3 sets it's just that i feel that my form is fine and that I can only curl the weights 8-16 each set but when I curl them I don't feel any stretch in my muscles but I feel like my form is fine weird??????

How can I naturally improve my facial symmetry - I'm a Guy, there are no photos, but read on to understand.?

i don't think that there is any way to change that except surgery (i agree it's a bad idea). be nice, work out, and smell good and you'll be a catch :)

How to help friend after a break up?

I hate break ups distraction is the best sometimes be there to talk, to listen to her say the same darn thing over and over until she gets it out, it's living without that person your use to being there that makes it so hard during a break up because most still care and love that person but have to break up for lack of compatibility reasons. Just keep asking her to do things. Be there, listen, being supportive is the best thing.

Worried about DVT from flying...?

I flew today on a 2 hour flight and heard a pop in my leg, when I got home there was a red bruise unlike no bruises i've had before. So I called NHS direct who sent me to get checked at the hospital who told me it just looks like a bruise and that I'm not in the high risk group so not to worry. But also they said if I get any chest pain or cough up blood to go back immediately. So I went home but I can't stop getting panic attacks making me think I'm getting chest pains. I just wondered if anyone could give me any advice to help calm me down? I was made to feel a bit stupid for getting it checked and it seemed like she was implying I must have bruised it before the flight but I definitely felt it pop and there was nothing there before flying! Am I being stupid?

Had a DVT and PE a year ago?

I had a DVT in my right leg that I left untreated for a week untill I coughed up blood and ran off to the ER and found I had a blood clot from ankle to hip that resulted into having PE. I spend a week in the hospital, and have been on cummadin ever since. My problem is, that my leg is always in pain, cant walk to far before it feels like its going to give out. The clot tore up all the valves in the vein, and the vein itself. I now have an appointment comming up with a prosthetic specialist. Am i going to lose my leg or are there surgical precedures to fix this. I live on my vicidin because of the pain. I just want to have a somewhat normal life again. I also just got diagnosed with Lupus Anticoagulant, which im still trying to figure that all out. I am a 34 year old male that used to have a fast paced active life! I just want some of that back!!

Has anyone here flown an 11 hr flight and has blood pressure issues and has had blood clots?

I'm wanting to know if anyone here has flown an 11 hour flight and has blood pressure issues and possibly blood clots or, DVT? Since my father who has blood pressure issues and has had bypass surgery 5yrs ago will be with us to fly an 11 hour flight. He is currently taking blood pressure medications, as well as cholesterol, and aspirin.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Tattoo on bikini line?

If you get a tattoo on your bikini line or a little bit under, is it likely to stretch if you become pregnant?

Survey: Do you know what DVT is?

Before you go google it up because you don't know, please give me an honest answer. I'm gathering results for my research paper so please be honest.

I had endovenous laser treatment (EVLT) complications? help please?

Do you have a temp.? Maybe you are having an allergic reaction? I have had this done on both legs and scheduled for it again tomorrow...I had nothing like that...just pain and swollen at the injection site...I would get another ultrasound done and go again to make sure your not having side reactions..

I have a 6 month old pressure washer that doesn't run correctly?

I bought it last fall and stored it inside over the winter. Now, it starts, but does not rev up when the nozzle is open. Also, when I release the nozzle after it is running, the engine quits. There is no choke or carb needle adjustment. It is a Sears Craftsman washer

Do i have DVT, i got inconclusive blood test?

Heyy,well what it is , i had an acl reconstruction operation 11 days ago,during my stay i had a drain and now been giving clexane injections for 14 days every day,to reduce blood clots.From the first day i had my op to ow (11 days) ive had increased pain in my calf (same leg as operation).Ive not had a full night sleep for 11 days due to the painGett a really heavy ache feeling in my calf and really bad pain/tenderness although my muscles have been stabbed or ripped apart.When i look at pictures off DTV...i dnt have swollen leg and rednesthoughgh.I went to A&e...were i had a blood test for DVT i think.The doctor was expecting the result to exclude the dvt,saying that its all fine and haven't't got it.But the result came back inconclusiv meaning,it didnt say ididn'tt have it nor that i did.Because of that.They gave me a big dose of clexane 90 mg.and i have to go back to hospital tomorrow to see a doctor.I just dont understand why the results would come back as inconclusive and also why i would have all that pain/tenderness aching,exactly when i have that operation.i know it was the operation which caused it.But what is it.Could it be DVT?. But i dont have massive swollen leg and redness.?????

Why does Acetyl L-Carnitine give me a searing headache?

I bought a little bottle of this stuff to try out, but whenever I try taking it, I wind up with a major headache for hours. I have only taken one pill at a time and they each contain 500 mg.

Does dvt present symptoms most of the time?

So I have a terrible fear of getting a blood clot and dieting, and the strange thing is they don't run in my family, I have no risk factors, and have never had one. Ive had four ultrasounds on my legs and never had one. What scares me is the fact they can have no symptoms and you can just die. My doctors assure me that I would have pain and swelling, and that people usually do have symptoms they just ignore them till its to late. Can anyone help me alleviate this fear? If I did get one most likely would I have symptoms? I'm 23

Stretch marks due to body building?

by doing moderate weights for 2 months is it possible to completely stop working out without the risk of stretch marks? also if u reduce weight (about 10 kgs) in a few months can stretch marks occur?

Question about stretching/gauging ear lobes?

I'm thinking about stretching my ear lobes... I've wanted to do it for a while, although I'm still deciding. I have a question about it... If I do decide to stretch them, I don't plan on stretching them very large. A small size, maybe 16g or 14g. Later on, after they're stretched to one of those sizes, if I took the jewelry out, would they eventually heal, or "shrink" back to the normal size? I'm sure it would take a while if they did. About how long would it take them to start to be normal again?

Planning a trip to Chicago in September. Have location questions any advice would be awesome....?

I'm planning a trip to Chicago this September. I'm coming into union station from Buffalo. I want to visit Lincoln Park Zoo and the Old Town neighborhood, as well as the sears tower, botanical gardens, etc. Where would the best location be for a hotel? I'm looking for relatively cheap ($100-$125 per night) and something that's close to union station, but also close to attractions listed. Is there somewhere in the middle? Also, any recommendations on sights to see that weren't listed? Thanks! :-)

My wife and I found possible drug paraphernalia in my son's room?

Sounds like heroin or oxycodone; both of those are nasty drugs to get into. You don't have to accuse him of doing anything but ask him what he was using the aluminum for. If he does suggest it was for a school project then casually ask to see the project. I'm not saying you shouldn't trust him but heroin and oxy are not good habits.

Calf pain question, can anyone give me an answer?

I'm currently 22 (female). When I was 18 I had arthroscopic knee surgery, and it resulted in a DVT. I took Lovenox and Coumadin, and it eventually went away. In the process of figuring that out they told me I have reflux in my veins which is an early sign of varicose veins apparently? I am an athlete and since then I've always had issues with that calf cramping, or feeling like it's pulled/strained. It's always the first muscle to get sore/pulled when I work out. When it's strained and I'm sitting down it often feels like there are air bubble moving through it, it's a strange sensation, and it's very sensitive to the touch obviously. I just didn't know if anyone can explain why it's like that or if its anything I should be concerned about, more than just a sore muscle (I'm used to those). I'm also about to undergo ankle surgery on the same leg in about a month, and they're aware of my DVT history and everything. It is just a little nervewrecking, wondering if anyone could make some sense of it?? Thanks!

Why does my arm hurt when i play baseball?

So i joined my schools baseball team and we are just practicing right now. First we stretch then do warm up throws and stuff. My arm (elbow area) starts hurting a little bit when we are doing the warm up throws but then when we are batting off the tee and in the cages, my arm starts to hurt a lot!! It goes away after several hours after practice and the next day i feel fine, until i go to practice again. Its the same scenario everyday. Does anybody know why this is happening or what i should do?

Wear can i put a tat on me to wear it want strech or ect.????HELP?

Ok so im getting this flower tat with 3 initials on it . Its for my grandmother who passed away in memory of her ! I need some were to put it to were it want stretch nor look horrible were it is !! Any answers will be greatly appreciated ! Thanks (:

I have regurgitation in 3 of my heart valves. Also small hyprokinetic, what does this mean. Also have Long QT?

I know about the long QT, I had to have an ICD implant in 2008 for that. I however just found out about the 3 heart valves reguraiation and the small hyprokinetic. When I went to the doctor for a follow up, after the test, I got no clear answers in regards to my test. I just found these problems out after getting my test results for a doctor at UNC CHAPEL HILL HOSPITAL. The doctors here made out everything was good with the test results, yet wouldn't clear me for a colon test. Please could someone help me, I'm really seared bout what I've read in these test results. Thank you all very much.

I continue to get blood clots even after being on Warfarin and Lovenox shots. What should I do?

I seem to be prone to blood clots. After getting my first DVT (I was 19) I was put on warfarin. I was in therapeutic range when a year later I got another clot. My hematologist decided to put me on a lovenox / warfarin mix and I clotted again. They decided to give me more than double the dose of lovenox and I clotted again. Now being 21 and having four blood clots (two of which were DVT's [one in each leg]) my doctors are extremely concerned about my life. They have done several tests on me trying to find out what disease or illness I may have and they can't find anything including cancer. I am looking for suggestions on what I should do. I even went down to Duke University's Cancer Center to get checked out and they didn't help at all either. Does anyone have any suggestions or relating stories on this type of situation?

Does he have deep venal thrombosis?

It's doubtful. You did say he has an infection. That is not a DVT. A DVT (or deep vein thrombosis) is a blood clot. There would not be an infection or pus with a DVT. I figure the leg doppler is to try to determine how deep the infection is into the leg. It does sound like the infection is may be spreading into the calf area. Since the doctor gave him an anti-biotic and an ointment, I think you can wait until Monday. He should probably stay off his feet and much as possible and keep his leg elevated.

What are some jobs that I can apply for online?

I'm 16 and I'm starting to apply for jobs and I want to know some places I can apply for online. I've already applied for sears, starbucks, and my local grocery store. I don't want to work fast food like mcdonalds or taco bell. Please help, thanks!

What should i do in these kinds of situations?

Ok, heres the thing, some of these situations i didnt know what to do in and theyve been bothering the heck out of me, like this one i was playing racquet ball with this fat guy, not too fat like he had a belly, but during the game i started getting nervous over loud noises that he was making when he served the ball, and i mean real nervous where my legs were shaking, i dont know why that happenned, then i lost but i never played this guy before but my dad did and he kicked that fat guys a**! And after that he was talking to my dad (i was right by the fat guy) and they were gonna play 2v2 and the fat guy hecka screamed out his friends name right by me which made me shrugged my shoulders and i said "dang man!" and his friend was just on the couch not even that far he was like 5 to 6 feet away and i sear to god i wanted to punch that fat a** right in the face so bad when he did that, im serious, i was so angry, but then again violence wasnt the answer probably i dont know maybe and then another time when my bros friend was given me a hair cut and the guy was cutting my hair was saying "so you want to be as big as james huh?" but james was like mostly fat and a little bit of muscle and i said "well thats too big" my bro and his friend laughed except james did and he said " well mike has the jokes today, then i couldnt hear him that much cuz of the buzzering noise the shaver was making and he said something "beat his a**" then my bro said to him "hey shut the f*** up man" and james said " you man!" so immiediatly in my head i was thinking was he talking about me? I couldnt really decide so i just didnt really think about it till later on the week that happenned and now its been like a year since that happened, now im thinking, was he saying it to me because i said that joke? Its like everytime i make a joke, people take it so offensively, it annoys me so much, And when other people do it the other knows that theyre kidding around, i dont understand it, please help

How does my story sound so far?

Fix your punctuation. Paragraph better. Formatting is just as important as content. And one last tip: don't use vocabulary that sounds really nice but detracts from the point. Too much is indeed, too much. On the whole, well written. Kudos. I'm thirteen too, so my opinion would be rather important, if I say so myself. Good luck!

Could it be dvt, worried about it so much?

Ok so I had my beautiful baby boy 6 weeks ago, a week and a half later I started to get leg ache/niggles in my right thigh and behind the knee, I've been to the doctors 3 times and they've all said it's probably muscular as my leg hasn't swollen, then I started to feel generally unwell, went emergency doc and she put it down to a urine infection. Now I've started to get the feeling of blood rushing through my thigh n I feel generally unwell, leg isn't swollen but the aches and blood rushing feeling is still there, I feel in myself that somethings not right but the doctors won't do any checks, does this sound like dvt? Thanks

Should I buy a Poulan Chainsaw?

I have other saws, Stihls, a old Sears, Remingtons, a Muccolahs, just to name a few. Now im looking for a New saw but dont have enough money to buy another stihl or husky so i was lookin at the poulans. Some people say there great and some say there terrible. Please give me your honest opinion before i buy one. Thanks

Can you take Ecstasy while on Coumadin?

I have had a blood clot (DVT), in my left leg for about a month in a half now. I'm on Coumadin for 5 more months, and I didn't know if it was okay or not to take Ecstasy at the same time. And what would it do to effect my blood clot, if I did take it?

My husband(85) was stung on the tongue by a wasp yesterday?

His tongue became swollen and I gave him an anti-histamine pill and some ice to suck. He could still breathe so I didn't take him to hospital. Today most of the swelling has gone but he is very weak and tired. Is this normal? Last year he had a DVT and double pulmonary embolism.

What state in USA would suit me?

Lazy people live in California and Illinois mostly, but NY is getting there- Anywhere where they hate freedom but idiots think they love it..

Is this an accurate price for suspension fix?

The average price for replacing a suspension system averages about $1,000 -$2,000 and will probably cost more for luxury cars. Some cars may require a full alignment after replacing the suspension which can add $60 -$100 to the total cost.

Ideas for a two year anniversary present?

Those are really good ideas!! I think u shoul also revisit place where like u had u first kiss with him and first date and stuff like that to. Make it a whole weekto celibrate it! :) goo luck

Need to wake yp early!!!?

Im a science student with no time. I have classes at 8am, stretching till 8pm and i come home around 10. Then I have to go out to eat, print notes, get stuff, and come home. After that I need to study, do lab reports and such. And I cant seem to wake up for my 8am classes which is everyday and I miss them. WHAT SHOULD I DO????

I want to learn how to dance.?

i have always wanted to dance. i am not flexible but i do kicks around the house and i stretch every night. i am 13 but if i want to dance will they put me in a childrens class? because i have never danced before in a class. so help me out!!!

Ear stretch/gauge question?

I want to stretch my ears and was just wondering what size I should start with? Should I start with the smallest one? And should I use a taper because some ppl say you shouldn't.

What does it mean when your penis leaks fluid?

I am only 16 years old, and for the past 2-3 days my penis has had a stinging of some sort as if i was just trying to push a piss but it occurs only when i touch it really or move around, its not at the base of the penis like the head or anything its more like inside where piss comes out, possible explainations are that i had unprotected sex with someone recently but that person assured me they have been checked out recently and are clean, other explainations i thought of are soap/chlorine mixes since its summer, and the final possibility is that when i masturbate i seem to not be able to get aroused or ejaculate unless i have pressure on my penis like if you take your penis and like push down to stretch it to its furthest and jack like pushing on the bladder almost which i heard was bad from a Louis CK comedy special if thats what he was referring to. please help me ive been checked for STD's not too long ago n all came back negative so i dont think thats the case because ive been having sex with the same girls since then and havent had a problem til now, and if this means anything i smoke cigs, ganja, and drink at my age n have been since like age 11

I got lymphedema in both legs?

dvt in right leg im also obese i can walk, i cannot go swimming because of my lymphedema stream room dvt limits eating to vitiamin k i want to lose weight i can use treadmill and execrise bike how much should i do and to get a plan what foods should i eat to lose my weight i so much need urgent help is anybody out there can help me please is their anybody i can contact in uk {birmingham }

I have stretch marks, but I have never been overweight?

I'm 5 feet and 90 pounds. I have stretch marks on my hips and just recently they appeared on my butt. What the heck?

Negative D dimer, please advise?

A D dimer predicts the possibility of a blood clot. I don't know when this was done but if it is more than 2-3 days and you are still having problems with your history I would go to the ER today. As you know a blood clot is not something to be taken lightly. Usually a cklot ill bee in the lower calf felt in te back. If you lay down and keeping your leg on the ground and pull your toes to your head you have a +homans sign, a symptom in clots. Is the back of your leg swollen, warm red? All these can indicate a clot. But with your history and if is a few days I say go o the ER just to be safe! Good luck!

Both of my legs (calves) cramped and froze while I was out running?

This has never happened before and it was really scary; yesterday I went for a run and was not even about 15 minutes when I had to stop because both of my calves started cramping and I almost couldn't walk! I tried stretching them and that didn't seem to help - the cramps slowly went away but the soreness lasted for maybe an hour and a half and it was still difficult for me to walk. I run and exercise a lot (5-6 days a week) so I'm not out of shape or not used to being active or anything. I eat a lot of fruit and vegetables and take calcium supplements and yesterday was no different. The only thing I can think of is maybe I was dehydrated, even though my water intake was really no different than other times when I've gone on long runs. Even when I woke up this morning my calves were a little sore but I can walk pretty fine now.

Can Ear Gauges go back to normal?

Its a mix of size and healing time. Most gauges go back if you stop at zeros. Anything farther and they'll close but not entirely. Just give them time to heal in between stretches and know that too big won't heal entirely.

Deep Vein Thrombosis or Leg Cramp with tingly foot?

I know, I should never look up illnesses on the internet and it is never a replacement for a doctor. That being said, I'm not sure if I'm overreacting or not. I have had an achy, crampy pain in the back of my calf today. The pain was worse when walking or when flexing my foot upward. Tonight I looked up on WebMd Symptom checker and it pointed towards Deep Vein Thrombosis, or blood clot in leg, which apparently can be life threatening. I started looking at the back of it, it is not swollen or red or warmer that I notice. So I was stretching my calf and now my foot is tingling quite a bit and hurts a little towards the big toe underside. Could this possibly be a DVT or just simple calf pain. I kind of have been laying around a bit lately, but not all the time. I'm not sure if I should go to the doctor tonight or if I am just making a big deal out of a muscle cramp. Has anyone ever had experience with one that could explain to me if this sounds similar?

Friday, July 15, 2011

Can someone help me find this lamp!!!???!?

So there was this silver disc lamp at target a while ago, and i didn't buy it. BUT I REALLY NEED IT NOW! AND I CAN''T FIND IT!!! i tried target, pier one imports, sears, wallmart, k mart, jc pennys, and pottery barn ( which is super expensive and out of the question ). I will buy it used too, and i don't really care what color, i just NEED THIS LAMP . it looks something like this :

Is there a new sears department store going up in the highlands in tridelphia WV?

Sears is in deep financial trouble (as is their sister company K-Mart) , and many financial experts predict it will file bankruptsy before the end of the year. Under those circumstances I don't think they would be spending much needed capital on expancion projects, but I don't know for sure.

Difficulty pushing plug through stretched ear?

I just started stretching my ears (14 g) and the taper went in pretty easily. I have the taper all the way through and it's barely poking out, but the only thing I'm having problems with is pushing the plug through by replacing it with the taper. What's the easiest way to do this?

Apri pills caused me blood clots in leg DVT and traveled to the lungs PE.I want to know if they keep traveling?

No. Once clots hit the lungs, they stay there. After a time on anti-coagulation, even the leg clots don't move.

Continuing bloodclots?

i have been experiencing on going blood clots now for2 years. I have been tested for every known genetic disorder and nothing! i am on fragmin 15000 units daily. I do keep getting the clots and dvt in my right leg i have asked for them to do a mri or bone scan since i have read that clots can come from bone marrow if there is a problem. Now the docs won't do the test but yet say there is nothing we can do for you. i have told them i have a very painful lump in the middle of my thigh that popped up 6 months after the first of many episodes of clots and dvt. no one well help me and i suffer everyday in severe pain. i am only 31. is there a doctor house who can help. thanks ps i have seen a hematologist and vascular doc and my primary as well. also i have been to mayo clinic but they said same we cant help you but yet know one has done a mri or bone scan or ct nothing of my right leg where all the clots and dvt reside. and i am on the fragmin! i was on coumadin and still also got clots with my blood at a 4! now the fragmin if i miss just 1 shot i get a clot 2 days later. but know one knows why. it just happened in 09 after a hysterectomy and has continued. i feel the hysterectomy has opened a door to something lying dorment. But what is the question. please help

I used to be flexible...?

I used to be a rally good dancer. I was really flexible , i could do the splits touch my toes and stuff like that. But then around June i broke my leg from gymnastics so i toke 2 moths off. Now i cant do anything . How can i become flexibile again. I stretch everyday

Do I have deep vein thrombosis (DVT)?

A DVT is a blood clot. Are your legs discolored? Bluish? Retaining lots of fluid? And its doubtful that you have them in BOTH legs. Call the doc if you like but nothing you mentioned above would worry me.

Stroke or vasculitis?

Did they get an ANCA level on him? a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

How to tie Stretch Magic string?

I've tied string before so I figured this would be just as simple but when I tried knotting it and doing it a few times the string would just undo itself. So I need help on how to tie this type of sting I've tried a few things but it doesn't seem to work. Do I have to glue it a little or what? Help?

Where can I buy a keepsake box or treasure chest?

i want a big one to keep my special stuff in. i dont want to get it online so i was hoping you would no if a store like walmart or sears had them. it would be best if they were popular stores they have all over canad

Is this illogical thinking?

I have a phobia of getting a blood clot. I have no clotting disorders, and no risk factors. I've been checked out numerous times, including dvt doppler ultrasound, d dimer blood tests and blood work. And its all been clear. Last few days I've been worrying about it again. I had a horrible panic attack yesterday and felt bad all day after that. A little while ago I got this pain in my side like under my armpit and behind my shoulder blade. I keep worrying over getting a clot and dieing. Am I being illogical? I'm 22 BTW

Sears 1967 T.L.S camera help !?

so i just recenelty got a Sears 1967 T.L.S camera & im having trouble unloading the film. I've already looked at a manual online (it was a scanned copy of an original) & im still having trouble opening it i've already used all of my film & i want to open it any help ?

Vintage Sears Bicycle...need to know the production year.?

I purchased this vintage bicycle at a garage sale yesterday. It looks like it could range from the 50's to possibly the 70's. It's a female bicycle, bright blue frame and chrome fenders. It has a Sears circular medallion on the front of the frame, and another that banners around the seat pole of the frame. It also has white pin striping, and white, painted , star decals. Can anyone give me some history on this find? Thanks in advance!

Important Survey: Do you know what DVT is?

Before you go google it up because you don't know, please give me an honest answer. I'm gathering results for my research paper so please be honest.

Need advice from other AP moms please!?

I didnt introduce any solids til almost 7 months and even then they were minimal. We did baby lead weaning which is basically if the baby wants solid food you just give them regular solid food, no purees. She really didn't eat many foods at all until she was almost a year. My pediatrician had no problems with this and told me that breastmilk should be the main way of getting nutrition for the first year anyway. We weaned at 14 months due to my medical issues but she is now 20 months, eats absolutely great and can't get enough milk.

What is this pain in my legs?

Okay, im 19 years old & for the past few weeks I've noticed in my right leg that if I sit or stand for a long time that this weird pain would start. I can't pinpoint the exact areas on my leg, but it sorta feels like in the back of my leg towards my bottom, and around my knee somewhere and then maybe behind my ankle? It feels like maybe I strained it? But now my left leg is hurting the same way & the right one is not. And the pain is also in my left foot....I've read several things like, DVT or things like that, but surely not? I'm pretty healthy..could someone maybe help me out?

I have an old Coldspot Chest Freezer from Sears that I would like to sell.?

I have an old Coldspot Chest Freezer from Sears. I would say it is from the 60's. It is fully operational and is in very good shape. A friend wanted it out of his house, so I loaded it up and took it home last year. I was wondering if this would be something that someone might but as an antique. If so how much should I ask for it?

10G TO 6G stretching?

No, no, no. Your ears need at least one month to completely heal. Make sure that you don't skip 8g either, you do need that extra .5 mil. before you stretch to 6g. When you stretch, you should be using jojoba oil.

Modeling outfit? Please help!!!?

One of my favorite clothing stores is searching for someone to model their clothes, and my friend and I are going to submit our photos. I don't think I'm going to win or anything, but I figure it's worth a shot. You have to submit one headshot photo, and one full-body shot. I've never done modeling though, so I have absolutely no idea what to wear! Also, where should it be taken? Like outside or in a studio at JCPenney or Sears or something? I don't want to spend tons of money on this since I don't think I really have a chance, but I wouldn't mind buying a new outfit/new makeup. I just don't want to spend thousands. Any tips would be greatly appreciated! Thanks so much! :)

I need help with my ear stretching!?

I am currently at 5/8 and I have silicone plugs in. Ive had them in for 3 months maybe 4 and they completely healed so tried last week to put in 3/4 silicone tunnels and my ears felt like they were in fire! My head started to pound and my jaw was even hurting. This ha never happened before and I don't know what to do. My ears are back to normal now and I've been massaging them with neosporin and jojoba oil daily and I'm very eager to eventually get to an inch. What should I do to get to 3/4? Can I use the tape method with electrical tape on my 5/8 plugs? And how many wraps will it take to get to it? Please help! Thanks in advance!

Did i hurt my Achilles?

i was doing round offs and i didnt notice it hurt untill 10 minutes later when i was walking on doesnt hurt? its just uncomfortable and stretches whenever i walk on swelling or bruising. i put ice on it. will it be better tommorow if i continue icing it?

Any good/effective track and field workouts?

I'm a freshman in high school who runs the 110HH-18.0, 200m- 24.4, 400m- 56.0, 1500m- 4:59.4, LJ- 18'11", HJ- 5'11", and the Pentathlon. I really can't find any good workouts online that describe what to do. I need a good workout that could make a big difference in my times/heights. I'm extremely inflexible and I can hardly touch my toes. Does anyone have any good workouts and stretches that i can benefit from? Please and thanks!

Appendectomy complications ?

Yes, go to the hospital ASAP. You can still develop DVT's even with the compression stockings, they just reduce the incidence. Also, the surgery was in your belly, not your legs. If you happen to throw a clot in the abdomen, stocking on your legs won't matter one bit.

Is it normal to be afraid of marriage and having children?

You are not ready for marriage or children. There is nothing wrong with this. Don't do either because you feel you have to ..You don't have to..Wait

I want to stretch out my ears?

Okay I want to stretch out my 2nd hole in earrings because i love the way gauges look. But my parents HATE gauges. How do I do it without them knowing. Im 14 and I have a monroe so I put the labret thats a 16 gauge in my ear. Thanks for answering guys.

Why would the LORD, if he's all-good, deceive someone?

"And if the prophet be deceived when he hath spoken a thing, I the LORD have deceived that prophet, and I will stretch out my hand upon him, and will destroy him from the midst of my people Israel." -- Ezekiel 14:9 (King James Version)

Stretches that I can do?

My hips aren't very flexible and I sometimes have trouble moving. I think I can fix this myself by doing some stretches, but I have no idea what would work well. What are some good, simple stretches that will help my hips?

Is this a spam message?

Of course its a scam, just like the Nigerian ones that were going around. However, i am now going to relentlessly spam Dr Lee Yung with various emails.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Feeling like someone's cutting me 22 weeks pregnant please help!?

Last night I was all comfy on my left side with my pregnancy pillow all doubled up between my legs to alleviate my hips hurting etc....anyway, my hubby wanted me to move the other way so I moved onto my back, and this SEARING pain like someone was taking a knife from the inner part of my right thigh up to mid belly started and stayed for 3 min or so!! Do you know what this is?! It wasn't a normal growing pain I know what those are I have had 2 babies before. I was a bit worried but my baby is moving this morning so I don't think it had to do with him.??

Would this be too bitchy to wear?

No, I have a skirt that says "Sexy." I just like the skirt itself and even though I wear it, I'm not trying to tell people that I think I'm sexy. If you like it, get it and be yourself while you're wearing it.

Drivers from sonoma area?

like drivers from the sprint cup? I know Jimmie Johnson and Kevin Harvick live in CA but I'm not sure if they live around Sonoma.

What are the exact signs of a blood clot in the ankle area?

Many yrs ago I had a DVT behind my knee. I am having pain now in my ankle for no apparent reason and was wondering what the exact signs ie: location and any symptoms would be if I had a blood clot in my ankle. Can't seem to locate that info and would surely appreciate someone with knowledge on this issue explaining it to me.

How much will Gamestop give me for these games? <--- Go to that website and click "Trade-In" and type in your game, they'll give you a close amount or a correct amount. Also you'll get like 2-5 more dollars with in store credit. Serioso!

Plug won't go through ear?

I just stretched my ear to 14 g (first stretch) and put the plug in my left ear with no problems, but my right took much longer and gave me a harder time. I finally got the plug in my right ear, but it won't poke through the other side. I've been pushing it in but it won't budge and I even used water as a lubricant. It's just sitting halfway in my ear right now...

Embarrassed to go bra shopping?!? help.?

I'm 13, turning 14 years old pretty soon, like within a week, but anyways, I really like wearing lightly lined bras, and i think they're so comfortable. I only have one pair though, and I would like to get more. I'm really embarrass to go bra shopping with my mommy, and I want to get my bras at La senza, but, would it be awkward if I went and got my bras there? I'm like, 32A or 34A ,my boobs are small... will they have my size??? ... Cause, I'm tired of gettting my bras at sears. .. lolol. I'm always scared to enter lingire stores like La Senza, and think they're embarrassing ..

Best, cheapest place to get eye exam/contacts?

Target, Walmart, America's Best, Sears, etc. Which place actually delivers on low prices and good care? Don't guess, tell me where you have actually been to get contacts.

HELP!Lost glasses in Sears?

So I think I lost my glasses in the Sears change room, and I am freaking out!! Do you think I should call Sears, or should i just forget about my glasses and move on? But seriously, I really need my glasses. What Should I do??!?!

How long would it take a 12 year old to become flexible if you strech every day?

if i stretch once or twice a day, how long would it take me to become like REALLY flexible? Enough to bend down and touch my toes easily. And to do the splits.

Cramping left calf, please help?

Okay heres the deal. Ive been having random anxiety, and worrying about getting a blood clot and dieing. Ive had this fear in the past and have had numerous dvt dopplers xrays, and blood tests and have never had one. Nofamily history or medical disorders. Im 22 I waitress so im constantly moving arouns. Should I really worry avout this? Also my left calf muscle is laeger than my right. I noticed this a long time ago I think its a half or a cm larger had,it measured once. Just need some help managimg this anxiety.

Do stores actually keep their security video?

In all honestly most stores only look back on footage for proof of theft i.e. when someone has been caught or there is a break in. So i think you should be fine!

Can you apply for tj maxx & marshalls on the same day?

I would like to apply to marshalls and tjmaxx tommorow but I'm not sure if they allow that since some companies don't allow employers to apply to stores that are under the same branch at once. For example Sears and Kmart are under the same branch, and their policy is that you if you were to apply to sears, you have to wait at least 60 days to apply to kmart. So do you know if tjmaxx & marshalls policy is the same?

Can a business located in a mall solicit to the malls customers?

My girlfriend works for sears photography and they had her walk around the mall and hand out flyer's, hence a security guard came and basically embarrassed her in front of mall patrons. Can sears get in trouble for putting her in a situation that embarrassed and humiliated her and for putting her in an illegal situation?

Both of my legs (calves) cramped and froze while I was out running?

This has never happened before and it was really scary; yesterday I went for a run and was not even about 15 minutes when I had to stop because both of my calves started cramping and I almost couldn't walk! I tried stretching them and that didn't seem to help - the cramps slowly went away but the soreness lasted for maybe an hour and a half and it was still difficult for me to walk. I run and exercise a lot (5-6 days a week) so I'm not out of shape or not used to being active or anything. I eat a lot of fruit and vegetables and take calcium supplements and yesterday was no different. The only thing I can think of is maybe I was dehydrated, even though my water intake was really no different than other times when I've gone on long runs. Even when I woke up this morning my calves were a little sore but I can walk pretty fine now.

Team fortress 2 glitch graphics help?

ok firts of i havea Intel Graphics Media Accelerator 3100 GPU but the verticies of my charecter are stretched. its like all of his color has been stretched to the other side of the rooms because when i die im just a black figure no color. i cant play like this. the computer i baught was soppoused to be a home/gaming computer with the specs it has so what can i do to stop this.

Unbearable PAIN in lower leg.?

About twice a week I wake up in the middle of the night with such an unbearable pain in the lower part of my legs. Sometimes it's the right leg. And sometimes it's the left leg. What usually happens is I will wake up to use the bathroom in the middle of the night and go to stretch my legs and one of them will lock and I get this excruciating pain for about 15 seconds where I CANNOT move my leg at all to release it. It's literally so painful I wake up my fiance and I'm in tears. I don't have insurance right now so anybody with any suggestions or any knowledge of this would feel free to share! Thank you!

Do I have DVT or ingrown hair?

If yo are active (walk) have no weird blood disoroder, my money is on an ingrown hair or boil. DVT is DEEP, your lower leg wold be hot, swollen and be painful without pressure.

Do i need a license and insurance to get a car serviced?

Yes. You can't drive at all on a public street without a license and insurance. Get stopped and the car will be impounded. The fine and impound fees could be in the thousands of dollars.



How to get rid of stretch marks?

I am beginnig to get stretchmarks, and I want to get rid of them fast! I know there is a lot of strech mark creme out there, so what to pick? Is there anybody who has some good results?

Possible complications from my appendectomy ?

i had an emergency appendectomy dec. 2nd. i was released yesterday i was doing fine but today ive been real weak no fever. and my pain has been a 6-8/10. also ive been having trouble breathing. i know its not a DVT cause they had those compression stockings on and those message stockings on my legs as well. my question is could this be pneumonia i had a pretty bad case in september 2010 and was hospitalized for a week. what should i do ? can i wait till morning to call my primary doctor. ? should i go to the hospital ?

Whats wrong with my kittens back leg?

The kitten isn't actually mine, she's my moms friends kitten. They said the kitten is 4 months old and that she fell of the bed and hurt her leg, even if that was true the kitten is smaller than my aunts 4 WEEK old kittens and still isn't walking like she should. I was able to get the kitten to eat for the first time yesterday and she started moving around in my lap more but if u put her on the floor she just plops over on her side. She moves and stretches out her front paws but nothing much with the back ones. The only major thing she did while laying on the floor was scooted back or kinda jumped back because she was scared of the toy. what could be wrong with her leg? my mom and i were thinking maybe she's just double jointed but the chick swears up and down she's not so what do we do?

What is the best form of contraception?

using condom in the best form of contraceptive because it doesn't cause any harm to your body and it also protect you from STD's

Ok so today i got caught shoplifting at sears i am worried of whats gonna happen?

i mean is it going to show on my record and how is it going to affect me...this is how it happened i went into sears with my gf and i notice some shorts without a sensor thing i was so tempted on getting them but i was scared because i am not a thief but i finally decided to put them on top of my other shorts i walked around bought a couple of things and as soon as i stepped out of the store some guys aproached me and told me to follow them i didnt want to make a scene or be in more trouble so i just cooperated. i went into the room and gave them my id i was in there for a long time. they wrote a long report and had me sign some papers she then called their legal department and told me that they would call back in a few minutes. at first they said no cops would be involved so i was relieved but after she made another call to the legal department she said that police might come but she wasnt sure. police never came and she ended up letting me leave but told me i would recieve a letter on the mail in about 3 weeks. that the letter would be a fine between 40 dollars to 400 dollars depending on what their legal department thinks....the item i tried stealing was only 9.99 on the rack but they wrote it down as 36 supposebly that was the real price i didnt damage the item at all i actually had asked them if i could just purchased the item and leave but they didnt let me until i filled out some papers. someone please help me with the situation i just wanna know if this affects my record and also how much the fine would be when it comes in....i regret my act today and i feel like crap..i need some answers please

Why is it that the only time my ankles/back/feet quit hurting is when I put them up in my recliner?

As the title says, the only time my legs/feet/back stop hurting is when I sit in my recliner and put them up. I am overweight, i'm not diabetic, i've already been checked for DVT (deep vein thrombosis) negative. Also checked for a blood clot through a test called a Venus Doppler? I can't walk or stand for more than a few minutes as my lower back and ankles begin to burn and hurt beyond anything I can express into words. I've cut my calories down to 2000 per day and working on that. My doctor has put me on Talacen? a pain reliever, it does nothing.. My legs are also very swollen and if pressed they will leave a dip in my leg where you press down? fluid? I just want the pain to stop so i can walk and stand again. Any insight to this matter will be greatly appreciated.

Pain in calf? No injury sudden!?

About 2 hours ago I started to experience pain in my left calf. It's not sharp pain it feels more muscley pain! Now it's at front of leg too all over really from knee down to ankle and is worse when I move it I feel a strain all over. Also if I'm standing still and go to move ie walk I get a pull up the back of my calf,,, I had no injury to it I haven't even been out walking ect as I'm sick at the moment with chest infection am on antibiotics and steroids since yesterday for that. I guess I'm just worried about dvt. Any advice or info ad to what it could be. I'm female and 31 yes old thanks

My car isn't going any where! Guys, please help me?

Whining sound was the Transmission Main Shaft "Lock-up Bearing" and Pumps. At 33 Years it would be best to Rebuild (As long as the case is good) the Transmission and Replace the Torque Converter, Rebuild the Carb. for that Throttle Problem. NOTE; No shavings because it was Flushed before you bought it. "Good Transmission Shop!"

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Infrared gas grill OR conventional gas grill? Which is easier to clean?

I'm a first-time grill buyer. While searching for a grill, I found many but can't decide on one. I almost decided on a Kenmore cast-iron 4-burner from Sears, but after looking at some grills at Lowe's, I saw a Char-Broil INFRARED 2-burner grill that interested me as well. The infrared grill has many pros over the regular gas grill; however, before purchasing the one, I want to see what others, like you, have to say. Do you own an infrared gas grill? If so, can you express your experience? Is it difficult to clean? Does the food taste good? I appreciate it.

I might have Deep Vain Thrombosis, I'm 14, im scared. ?

I'm actaully quite scared . Im going to the clinic tonight . I have most of the symptoms od DVT , so please help ! I dont know anything about this ! Is it cureable ? Can I die from it ? What is the clinic going to do if I do have this ! Please please please help ! :(

What should I do if I've been sitting for a very long time? What if I can't get up?

That is basically more for older people and it is for people sitting for an extreme amount of time. I think you are fine if you are sitting for 5-10 a day unless you are like 50 or 60. Although I don't recommend sitting that long. Get up do something every once in a while.

Do i have a dvt?????????

just a couple hours ago i got a pain in my right calf. it feels like a leg cramp or charlie horse but i can bend it without it hurting and walk on it which made me think it wasn't a charlie horse. i checked the symptoms online and i don't have any other then the leg pain but after reading what could happen if it's not caught i got a little freaked out. i'm in the middle of moving so i've been doing a lot of heavy lifting and painting so i might have just pulled something. i was just wondering if i should be making a bigger deal and go to the doctor or if it will just pass. im an 18 yr old female btw. thanks

Heath question, need urgent answer.?

i have had a dull ache in back of my upper left leg, todays it has got worse and now is a bit sore and tender. Is this anything to worry about, as my friend who has had one said it sounds similar to when she had a dvt

Poulan Pro PR550N22SH Muffler?

Hi. I cant find a replacement muffler for this push mower ANYWHERE on the internet. It's as though it does not exist. Does anyone know where I can find this muffler? Please reply if you know where. I have used google, sears, homelife, poulan's site etc and cant find it so does anyone know a Specific site that I can find the muffler for a Poulan Pro PR550N22SH? It's a 961120083 model. Help!!

Can you have dvt without any risk factors?

F 26, skinny, kinda tall. No risk factors except sitting during day watching tv etc. Can pinching burning tight band sensation around calf be dvt or stress anxiety related? Or from doing leg raises for first time without warming up? read that it can be referred period pains. Lol any ideas will be much appreciated. God bless :)

Prednisone for back pain--yes or no?

By all means take it. My back is pretty damaged. When it ffirst got bad. I was prescribed a week pack of Prednisone. I was nervous of it too, Heard bad stuff also. But iwas in so much pain I didn't care. It made a huge diffeence.

Coumadin for a recurrent deep vein thrombosis (DVT)?

Sounds like a homework question to me. Coumadin is an anticoagulant. Aspirin is also an anticoagulant. A therapeutic dose of Coumadin is very close to the level where the blood does not clot at all. Taking aspirin on top of Coumadin MIGHT - MIGHT - trigger uncontrolled bleeding.

13 weeks pregnant, pain in abdomen?

Sounds like round ligament pain to me. I had the same sensations around that time as well, but if you're really worried call your ob/gyn tomorrow just to be on the safe side. Congrats!

Deliberate Nomad, will you C/C please?

Very well written and enjoyable. I'm not sure I understand the meaning just yet but I will. LOL Well done my beautiful friend.

I have a small room & looking to decorate?

Okay, first if you need a new bedspread, then look for a fun color that can last you a few years. I have a reversible comforter, so I can change it according to what I feel like. You can put an accent rug over your carpet for color and accessories, but if you don't want to, that's okay too. On your walls you can put mirrors to make your room look bigger, or a modern painting. It's especially cool if you have a continuous painting split onto multiple canvases aligned above your bed. Hope you have fun in your new room!

What are some places that sell bedding?

I'm determined to find cheetah for when i go away to college. I already know of sears, kmart, walmart, target, and bed bath and beyond. are there any others ?

Do you take the pill do you worry about DVTs?

Yes, as I take Yasmin and (like Dianette) this appears to have a high rate of complications. I've only been on it for less than 2 months but still worry. I think the best thing is to keep a healthy diet, stay active, drink only in moderation and don't smoke. Hope this helps.

Foreskin stretches for a tight foreskin?

I have a tight foreskin and I can pull it down to the rim of my head when soft, but when erect i cant pull it down much at all. My frenulum could be the reason for this. Can somebody tell me some streches for my foreskin or/and frenulum to help my foreskin to be pulled down easily.

Reduced INR after 4 days of treatment to raise it?

I have been diagnosed with DVT. I have now had 4 days of treatment (warfarin 7mg per day and also stomach injections) but my INR has dipped from 2 to 1.8, is this normal?

Weight Training for beginners Curling problem?????

I'm just a beginner at weight training. I curl 30 lbs on each arm and I do about 8-16 reps with 2-3 sets it's just that i feel that my form is fine and that I can only curl the weights 8-16 each set but when I curl them I don't feel any stretch in my muscles but I feel like my form is fine weird??????

INJURED: how to pray 5 prayers?

Islam is being of the one true religion of peace. You are being of such with this or we are being of chopping off your heads!

Any ideas what this is? Possible start of labour?

It could be that your body is preparing for labor. Try a luke warm bath. Lay on your side with a pillow between you knees. If it gets progressive like to where the contractions are 3 or 4 minutes apart you probably should call your midwife. Otherwise just try to relax.

Where can I buy a white strapless bikini?

I want to buy a white, strapless bikini, preferrably one without those bows on the side of the bottom. A bandeau is very ideal but any white, strapless bikini would be good, but the question is, WHERE CAN I BUY ONE?! I need to buy it in-store, and it can't be more than about $30. I've already checked Target, Victoria's Secret, Forever 21, Charlotte Russe, Sears, Nordstroms, Abercrombie, and Hollister. Is there any place that has what I want? Please help, I'm getting desperate! (But not desperate enough to wear a bikini made out of toilet paper, so don't even suggest it...)

Help Please! Army PTSD?

I was deployed and was constantly harrased by my leaders. Im a private so no matter what i did to get help, they will say is my word against them. I was evacuated because i had DVT and Pulmonary Embolism. And now that im back to the states and getting the proper medical treatment, they are trying to chapter me out with a fake �depresion disorder� which i do not have. I might have PTSD, for i feel so much anger and occasionally have nightmares of when i was back at war. However, no one is giving me the psychological treatment i need. I just know the my current leaders want me out, so i dont know if JAG is my only option? Please any real help!

What are some stretches ? please answer?

what are some stretches i can do ? also what are some exersizes and pilates and yoga moves i can do i like to workout when im bored but cant thing of anything

Just gave out resumes?

to the bay, sears, and canadian tire. its saturday and i gave it thursday afternoon. how long do they take till they usually call for an interview? should i keep going around giving out resumes or wait? and should i make my resume from 2 pages to a page? my cousin said they will appreciate it

Is Sears a good place to get a bike?

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Go to a real bike shop where you get real bikes and real service. I can't emphasize that enough. I work at a bike shop and I have to deal with crap from department stores that isn't worth fixing and is very expensive to fix. Sorry, i dont want to come off mean but the bikes are total crap.

Where do they sell belly piercing kits, NOT online?

I wanna pierce my belly, and i know it's 16g and you cant stretch it to 16g. But my parents don't want me to get one, so im gonna do it myself. that means i CANT get it online, so doesnt anyone know where to get the 16g needle atleast?? I want to pierce it ASAP. if your gonna say "dont pierce it" or any of that, dont say nothing.

I need a way to sleep in an enclosed space with a can of gasoline...?

You need fresh air and ventilation...even if you take the gasoline out of the equation. Not quite sure why you would want to sleep in a trunk instead of a seat... I assume you have a two seater with an enormous trunk. Maybe you should consider buying a delivery van or better still a small camper-van or day van. If you get something in good condition you won't loose a lot on resale when you have finished with it. Sleeping on a proper mattress makes such a difference...and you will need a good nights sleep.

Does my brothers friend find me 'interesting'?

the other day i was at the bus stop and i had to wait there for half an hour because summer reductions for the bus schedule had begun. So i get off my other bus and i just walk straight over to a bench to wait. as im walking to the bench i see one of my brothers friends. it was his birthday the day before and on facebook i had left a message on his wall saying happy birthday, but we never talk. so when i saw him at the bus stop i just looked at im and he looked at me and then i went to sit down. he kept getting up and walking a bit away and talking on the phone. as i was waiting he kept looking at me and i kept looking at him. we have never talked before. ever. so after about 25 minutes of this my brothers other friend came on his bike and they both looked at me and i think they might of said something about me, but i don't know what. they are both really good friends of my brother and im friends with the guy with the bikes little brother who is a year younger than me. my brother and his friends are a year older than me. so my bus comes after about a minute and i get on. Today, i put on facebook has anyone else seen the little black bar at the top of google and an hour passed and he said i did. no one else had commented and id never spoken to him before. but at the bus stop he kind of hovered around me and he kept looking at me and kind of smiling as well. i saw him look me over a few times and when i got up from my bench to stretch my legs and move about he watched me. it was only him and i at the bus stop. does he show interest in me? and ill be going to his school after summer.

Fixing your bike on your own?

Get the engine running first. Then you can assess what it might need BEFORE you do a complete tear down. Soda blasting [look it up] can remove a lot of light corrosion and you can make one for cheap. If you decide to sell it I'm looking for a toy for track day.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

I want to get a hot body?

If you want to lose weight and be as skinny as that girl on the pic, u also have to eat right too, not just exercise. You should eat mainly veggies and fruits and not junk food, bread and pasta, fruit juice, and fast food (which contains hydrogenated or canola oil). Also, because you have that disease, I suggest exercising, but little by little for 30 min. at the least. Don't do tiring exercises all at once. Do them little by little, and it would work. Hope this helps, and good luck! :D

Deep vein thrombosis or just cramps?

I got a really bad sudden cramp in my thigh today and since I'm on birth control I'm worried that it could be DVT but I dont know how to tell the difference? The pain was sudden and then I was sore for a couple hours and now my thigh feels normal unless I try to stretch it. This also happened after I'd been standing at work for about 4 hours

Where should I put this tattoo?

I plan to become pregnant later in life but I'm getting a tattoo that says "true love" in script somewhere on my body but I don't want it to stretch. Where's a good place?

Whats wrong with my Achilles HELP?

i was doing round offs ( onto a mat.) and i didnt notice it hurt untill 10 minutes later when i was walking on doesnt hurt? its just uncomfortable and stretches whenever i walk on swelling or bruising. i put ice on it. will it be better tommorow if i continue icing it?

Will I have to be on blood thinners for life?

I am a 21 year old male, recently out of the hospital after experiencing a DVT which originated in my left iliac vein. I had an aggressive operation that removed the massive clot, which was described as being as wide as my thumb and a little less than a foot long. During the operation, the vascular surgeon determined I had May-Thurner Syndrome, which causes compression of the left common iliac vein by the overlying right common iliac artery. I am still waiting to hear on the blood work to determine if I had a coagulation disorder. No one in my family has ever had a blood clot and no one has reported any blood disorders ( I have an extremely large family too ). The doctor was also interested in knowing if I had been taking body-building supplements, which I had been. I had no previous trauma before the DVT, nor had any long plane flights or anything. I have been prescribed Coumadin for at least 6 months according to the doctor. Is it possible that May-Thurner syndrome and my supplements caused the DVT alone, or is it likely that I have a clotting disorder. If so, will that warrant being on Coumadin for life? I have a lot of life to live, and I enjoy playing rough sports. This will be a big adjustment for me if I do.

What are Sears' (SHLD) expenditures breakdown between store expenses and corporate expenses?

I am trying to create a pro forma for Sears retail locations and I can only get costs for the company as a whole which inflates costs specific to a single location making it look less profitable. I need the percentage of total costs for SHLD that are specific to corporate, ie executive salaries, headquarters lease, travel, etc. Thank you.

Does wrapping your legs around each other more than once cause Varicose Veins/ Deep Vein Thrombosis?

I.e. Legs crossed at the calves and the crossed over again at the ankles. I sit like this and my father always tells me this will give me DVT or Varicose Veins. Are either of these true?

Write an equation for a graph?

Write an equation for a graph obtained by vertically stretching the graph of y = x2 − 0.899999999999999 by a factor of 13.4, followed by a vertical shift downward by 13 units

Ferber (cry it out) vs. Sears (attached parenting) for a baby?

First time mom or not, you still have instincts. What do you feel would be the best method for her? Nobody here can tell you the best way to get your baby to sleep, but they can tell you the best way to get their baby to sleep. When my daughter was 5 months old, we did a version of the cry it out. When she would wake up at night, I was in the habit of just getting up and feeding her. Well, I went back to nights and my husband was at home with her. He was much slower to respond to her crying out. Sometimes by the time he got to her (5 minutes tops) she would already be back asleep. If she wasn't, he would give her a paci. If she spit it out and still cried, she got a bottle. Rocking the baby all night wasn't in the cards for us either. On a side note, have you ever thought about getting her checked by a chiropractor? I never believed in them until after I had my baby and could barely walk because my spine was so misaligned from the epidural. I had a close friend that I referred to the chiro because her baby had terrible reflux and it completely got rid of the reflux. Just a thought.

How to slim down my massive bulky calves? Diet, exercise, stretching etc?

I am thin everywhere, else, I have literally no fat unfortunately in my butt, hips, and I am completely flat in the chest area because since the summer started, I noticed that all my fat started going to my calves. It looks really weird because my thighs and everything else is thin, except my calves, which look bulky and manly. I'm not sure if because I used to have gym in the school year, but I still jog 1.5 miles 3-4 times a week, and stretch a lot. My mom has "german" calves genetically and so do my sisters, but my dad's side is japanese and have very thin legs. Could it be from my mom's side, even though this came kind of suddenly because I used to have "chicken" legs. Are there any exercises to slim them down, and NOT make bulky, so no weights, or calf raises etc. I just want skinny calves if that would be possible. Does jump roping help slim down bulky calves or does it make them worse and does jogging help or make it worse? Is there a certain diet? PLEASE HELP, i want to get them back down before school starts so I can wear all the dresses and skirts I bought previously. I don't want to be stuck wearing long pants all the time!

How much is a 1939 Sear and Roebuck Cashier Register worth?

It also has a newspaper article with it about the store it was used in and the hard times the United States was going through.

Can a dvt result in piles?

My husband(84) is on warfarin following a dvt and pulmonary embolism last year. Now he has haemorrhoids- could they be a result of his dvt?

How do you use a tampon?

ok, so i've had my peiods for 2 1/2 years now and have never used a tampon cos, well it hurt last time i tried. apparently it's because the vaginal entrance isn't stretched enough, so i thought i might as well feel around a bit, and it's a bit more stretched cos i can fit my finger up there but how far should a tampon go in? cos there's like a loose bit then further up there's like a tight ring then you go through that and it's like a bit wider...should it go past the tight bit or just stay in the entrance?? i'm scared i might not be able to get it out again....please, no stupid answers...need professional advice from experienced people...??xxx

HELP!Lost glasses in Sears?

So I think I lost my glasses in the Sears change room, and I am freaking out!! Do you think I should call Sears, or should i just forget about my glasses and move on? But seriously, I really need my glasses. What Should I do??!?!

Could i have a blood clot?

after having my son 7month ago i got a pain at the back of my leg (back of knee) after doing some walking after i had sat down and rest for about 10 mins then when standing back up again i got a pain and like a cramp and had to slowly move my leg till the pain went.. i then went to the doctors is werent swollen or anything like that but hurt after any walking. the doctor werent concerned as there was no other symptoms.. i signed up at the gym and it went.. since i havent been going to the gym for a few months and just sitting about the house with my son any walking yet again and its back pain in the back of my leg and when i stand it isnt warm to touch but my leg feels warm in the area that hurts.. could this be because of lack of exercise of could it be a DVT?

Helpp!!! might b pregnant?

Ok so I have irregular periods since april and I have always had regular periods til now. I have had several symptoms, have taken four pee tests, all negative. I feel pregnant and I sorta look pregnant but idk if it is just mind games. I have heard tests coming out negative but blood tests being positive. Lately I can feel tension in my abdomen. If I straighten my back backwards I can feel stomach muscles stretching and pulling....any ideas, advice, or anything is greatly appreciated!!!

Do new washers and dryers need annual service?

We just bought a new Samsung washer and dryer at Sears and the sales person is trying to convince us that we need to buy a annual service/maintenance contract. He says that the new machines need yearly maintenance. Is this a scam?

Any alternative clothing stores?

Hey, sounds like the store I work at my be right up your alley. We sell all kinds of different clothes in the alternative category. Lots of nice dresses and jackets by companies like Hell Bunny and Lip Service too. Check us out, the website is

Am i underweight for a 14 yr old?

i am a male around 5ft 7in just turned 14 and am 114pounds. But i eat alot though. Additionally i have an active lifestyle from tumbling, stretching, and just jumpin around

Put on used tires, even though I paid for new ones?

Talk to the manager and see what he has to say... If he won't do anything about it, then call BBB... Good luck...

Should I worry about blood clot?

Okay heres the deal. Ive been having random anxiety, and worrying about getting a blood clot and dieing. Ive had this fear in the past and have had numerous dvt dopplers xrays, and blood tests and have never had one. Nofamily history or medical disorders. Im 22 I waitress so im constantly moving arouns. Should I really worry avout this? Also my left calf muscle is laeger than my right. I noticed this a long time ago I think its a half or a cm larger had,it measured once. Just need some help managimg this anxiety.

Do I have symptoms of a DVT?

HI, not sure if this is the thread to post but I am concerned about DVTs? I had outpatinet surgery for a miscarriage about 3 weeks ago....not alot of down time, but I was pretty much inactive for a few weeks...also I was taking progesterone hormones for 1 week. About a week ago I was trying to strech and get active again and I did overstreach and think I pulled something in my left leg...the next day behind my knee was swollen a little and hurt...since then my whole leg aches....i went to my obgyn for a follow up to surgery and she looked at it and said she didnt see redness or knot in leg...didnt seem concerned....the next day the swelling was gone.....two days later it came back and ached in my thigh and calf and foot....non specific sharp pains and the aches are all over my redness, no discoloration, just aches in leg and slight swelling behind my knee that is now gone as of this morning again..... can anyone put my mind at ease....i guess i just need to worry about something....i can also feel my femoral and pedal pulses very well too. thanks anyone who reads and has advice!